Ponzi Schemes Fraud Lawyer | Florida

If you have fallen victim to a Ponzi scheme in Florida, the skilled attorneys at Good Law Group are ready to assist you in recovering your losses. Call The Good Law Group: (813) 748-9500.
We focus on Ponzi scheme recovery lawsuits in Florida and nationwide.

Our legal team is experienced in Ponzi scheme recovery and prepared to guide you through the litigation process against those responsible. With our expertise in business litigation, we ensure that firms, organizations, and individuals are held accountable for defrauding investors.

Ponzi Scheme Fraud


Ponzi schemes are notorious financial scams that can trick unsuspecting investors. These deceitful operations attract individuals by offering lucrative investment opportunities, guaranteeing high returns with little to no risk. Initially, as more people invest, the money collected from new investors is used to pay returns to earlier investors, creating a misleading appearance of success. This illusion of profitability draws in even more victims, convincing them that they are making a wise investment.

In truth, the scammers do not invest the funds; instead, they keep a large portion for themselves. Eventually, when new investors stop joining the scheme, it collapses, leaving many participants with significant financial losses—often reaching thousands, or even millions, of dollars.

What are Ponzi Schemes

A Ponzi scheme is identified as investment fraud by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In such schemes, returns to early investors are generated using the capital from newer investors, creating a false sense of profitability. The fraud relies on continuously attracting new investors whose contributions are used to pay earlier participants, giving the appearance of genuine earnings. Those behind these schemes typically promise to invest the collected funds but instead distribute just enough to sustain the illusion of returns, pocketing most of the money for themselves.

The survival of Ponzi schemes depends on a steady stream of new investments to meet withdrawal demands. They usually unravel when the influx of new investors dwindles or when a large number of current investors seek to cash out simultaneously. This scenario leaves the schemer unable to cover the payouts, leading to substantial financial losses for the victims involved.

Investors should look out for the following signs of a Ponzi scheme:

  • Large returns and minimal risk: Those running a Ponzi scheme promise large returns with minimal risk. Often, they tell investors to expect returns that exceed 12%. However, stockbrokers and financial advisors are required to disclose potential risks when promising returns of more than 12% as mandated by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). If someone is offering you large returns with no discussion of possible risks, they could be running a Ponzi scheme.
  • Consistent returns: The returns on an investment should fluctuate based on the state of the economy and market conditions. It is suspicious to get the same returns every time regardless of economic and market conditions.
  • Unregistered investments: The Securities and Exchange Commission requires that all investments made are registered. Those running Ponzi schemes do not register investments
  • Secrecy: Brokers are expected to be transparent with their investment strategies as investors have a right to know how their money is being invested. Brokers who are not being transparent likely have something to hide.
  • Unlicensed firms and sellers: Investment firms and sellers must be properly licensed and approved by regulators according to federal and state security laws. Firms that are not licensed should raise a red flag.
  • Paperwork issues: Investors are entitled to paperwork that confirms their investments as well as ongoing statements to track their investments. The failure of a firm to provide this paperwork is suspicious.
  • Difficulty cashing out: Fraudsters try to prevent investors from cashing out by promising bigger returns if they wait. Having difficulty cashing out is a major red flag.

What to Do if You are a Ponzi Scheme Victim

If you believe you are the victim of a Ponzi scheme, do not let the schemers know you are suspicious. Take the following steps quietly to build a case against them:

  • Gather evidence: Get as much personal information about the fraudsters as possible, including their names, addresses, email addresses, websites, and phone numbers. Keep the information you gather in a safe place.
  • Record phone calls: Record the phone calls you have with the fraudsters in case they implicate themselves in the conversation. Save these recordings along with the other evidence you gathered.
  • File a police report: Filing a police report lets law enforcement know that a crime has taken place and that you are a victim of the crime. A copy of the police report should be kept with your evidence.
  • Know your rights: You can consult federal and state government resources to know your rights as a victim of financial fraud.
  • Contact our Ponzi scheme fraud attorneys: Our attorneys at the Good Law Group have the experience and expertise to help you file a Ponzi scheme lawsuit and recover your losses.

Contact The Good Law Group – Best Ponzi Scheme Recovery Law Firm in Tampa, FL

The Good Law Group

Have you suffered financial losses after falling victim to a Ponzi scheme? The Good Law Group’s investment loss attorneys are here to support you. We provide a comprehensive case evaluation, collect essential evidence, and help you file a lawsuit to hold the fraudsters accountable and reclaim your lost assets.

Ponzi schemes are severe criminal offenses, but as a victim, you also have the right to pursue civil actions to recover your losses. Our skilled attorneys have experience in Ponzi scheme litigation and are dedicated to fighting for your complete compensation. You also won’t pay any out-of-pocket costs or fees unless we successfully recover your funds.

Call The Good Law Group at (813) 748-9500 to talk to our Ponzi scheme recovery lawyers in Tampa, FL.