Are you struggling with your Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income case? Proving your disability to the judge is not an easy process. There are a lot of legalities involved that can be very frustrating. To help, we are sharing the key ingredients you need to strengthen and win your Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income case.
The winning formula for your disability case

The first essential ingredient is a diagnosis. Objective testing such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs are the preferred forms of diagnosis for physical conditions. For psychological or neuropsychological issues, a neuropsychological testing evaluation serves as valuable evidence. Alongside the diagnosis, consistent medical treatment is necessary, preferably from specialists.
While visiting a primary care doctor is helpful, Social Security looks for ongoing treatment from specialists that supports the limitations associated with your diagnosis and prevents you from working. Lastly, you’ll want to gather letters or medical source statements from your current specialized medical providers. These documents should specify the limitations related to your ability to work.
To provide an example, let’s consider a case of a lumbar injury that required surgery, followed by physical therapy and an MRI. Despite these interventions, if you still experience difficulties and require a cane to walk, it’s crucial to have a doctor’s opinion on the amount of time you can sit, stand, walk, and lift.
These ingredients are crucial to winning your Social Security case. If you or your loved one needs assistance with a Social Security case, please don’t hesitate to call or email us. We’re always happy to help.