
Retirement and Social Security Disability

Whether you can receive retirement and SSDI benefits depends on what you mean by “retirement”. For SSDI purposes, retirement means benefits paid through the SSA. Yet Social Security retirement benefits are not always the only benefit people receive when they retire. Pensions or 401(k) plans through an employer also pay benefits at retirement. While many people generically refer to each of these as “retirement” benefits, for purposes of receiving both SSDI and retirement benefits, they are very different.

By |2022-09-09T15:34:49-05:00September 5th, 2022|Blog, SSD|1 Comment

Are Pensions Affected by SSDI Benefits?

When you apply for SSDI, the Social Security Administration calculates the amount of your possible monthly disability benefits based on your work history. The SSA may reduce the amount you receive in some cases if you have other sources of income. Specifically, Social Security may lower your disability payments if you receive certain types of pension payments. To learn more watch our short video.

By |2022-08-26T14:39:09-05:00August 25th, 2022|Blog, SSD, SSI|Comments Off on Are Pensions Affected by SSDI Benefits?

Can You Collect Unemployment Benefits and Receive SSD Benefits

It could take almost two years before your SSD application is approved and you begin receiving benefits. The low initial approval rates combined with the lengthy wait times mean that many people who are unable to work apply for unemployment benefits to bridge the gap. While it is possible to obtain SSD benefits while receiving unemployment, some issues could complicate the process.

By |2022-08-24T15:29:37-05:00August 20th, 2022|Blog, Eligibility, SSD|Comments Off on Can You Collect Unemployment Benefits and Receive SSD Benefits

Social Security Disability Hearing – How to Find Your Administrative Law Judge

Our website includes a searchable database that lets you check the approval and denial rating of every ALJ in the country. Although there is no guarantee that your application will be approved, knowing the ALJ’s approval rating before the hearing can help you (or your disability attorney, if you hire one) better strategize how to present your case.

By |2022-08-26T14:56:10-05:00August 18th, 2022|Blog, SSD|Comments Off on Social Security Disability Hearing – How to Find Your Administrative Law Judge

Highest and Lowest Approval Rates for SSD and SSI

SSDI and SSI are federal benefits programs that pay monthly benefits to applicants who meet each program’s eligibility criteria. Although the average national approval rate for SSD benefits is 45.22%, some states fall well above, and others well below, that average. Learn more ...

By |2022-08-16T12:18:13-05:00August 15th, 2022|Blog, SSD, SSI|Comments Off on Highest and Lowest Approval Rates for SSD and SSI

What Is Double Dipping on Social Security Benefits?

In an age in which the necessity of certain entitlements is constantly being called to question, quite a few things that were once acceptable are now being called into question. "Double dipping" on your social security benefits is one example. The following is a closer look at how this works.

By |2022-08-11T16:37:26-05:00August 10th, 2022|Blog, SSI|Comments Off on What Is Double Dipping on Social Security Benefits?

Is Diabetic Neuropathy / Peripheral Neuropathy an Official Disability?

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy can affect many bodily functions, though it most often affects the nerves in the lower extremities, leading to pain, numbness, and weakness in the legs and feet. For some, the effects of diabetic neuropathy are mild; for others, they are debilitating. If you were diagnosed with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and are unable to work, you may be eligible to receive social security disability (SSD) benefits.

By |2022-08-11T16:39:17-05:00July 25th, 2022|Blog, Eligibility, Various diseases and conditions|Comments Off on Is Diabetic Neuropathy / Peripheral Neuropathy an Official Disability?

What is Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI)?

RSDI provides monthly benefits to retirees, disabled workers, and/or their surviving dependents. Though called Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance, the program comprises three distinct programs. Eligibility for each program, as well as the monthly benefit amount paid under each, depends on different factors, including the age when benefits begin, work history, and the recipient’s status.

By |2023-08-08T13:40:21-05:00July 22nd, 2022|Blog, SSD|Comments Off on What is Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI)?

What is a Social Security Disability Award Letter?

A Social Security Disability award letter, or notice of award, is the formal letter received from the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Disability Determination Services (DDS) office that informs you that you are eligible to receive disability benefits. Watch our video to understand how to review for mistakes your Notice of Award.

By |2022-07-28T17:34:51-05:00July 20th, 2022|Blog, SSD|Comments Off on What is a Social Security Disability Award Letter?

What You Should Know About Continuing Disability Reviews

When you receive a notice that the SSA will conduct a CDR, don’t panic; it doesn’t necessarily mean that your benefits are in danger of ending. In fact, far from it – more than 90% of applicants who undergo a CDR are approved for continued benefits. Having a basic understanding of how CDRs work, and what information you will be expected to provide, can help increase those odds. For more information watch our short video.

By |2022-07-13T17:41:41-05:00July 12th, 2022|Blog, SSD|Comments Off on What You Should Know About Continuing Disability Reviews