Are you over 50 and need to provide your work history for your SSDI case? The requirements around this just changed. This is a pretty big topic, so I’m going to be sending out three emails covering the recent changes and how you can fill out the new form to make sure you win your case. The short version is that work requirements for those over 50 just got a little bit easier. To learn more, check out this video.

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This change makes a significant difference, so we will post three blog posts about it to comprehensively cover the topic. In this first part, we discuss how the rules affect people, while the other two parts will be about making sure you fill out the form correctly. 

The new law states that if you’re over 50, you only need to prove what your jobs were for the last five years. Previously, people had to go back as far as 50 years, which was especially challenging for older individuals. Now, people over 50 only need to prove the jobs they’ve held in the last five years.

For example, if 15 years ago someone worked as a call operator or receptionist, which involved sitting and answering phone calls, they no longer need to prove their ability to perform that job. However, if they had a job involving lifting or standing, like a retail sales job, that would still be relevant. If their current strength level is below that required for such a job, they would win the case.

The next two parts of this series will explain how to fill out the new Form 3369, which details your past work. Remember, you now only need to go back five years if you are over 50.

We hope this has been helpful. If you have questions about this topic or anything else, please call or email us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Are you applying for SSD benefits or have you been denied benefits? Consider the Law Office of The Good Law Group for your representation.

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